Monday, November 7, 2016

And now . . . the time to mend fences

There is a time and place for everything . . .

It has been a looooong election cycle.  We have all had varying degrees of passionate interest in the politics of it all . . . and in our lesser moments . . . incredulous frustration at the people we have disagreed with.  

Are you seriously this narrow-minded?
Were you born this stupid?
To all the boneheads that think this person is a good candidate . . .

And maybe that has caused tension with some our your relationships.  These relationships might heal with time but if you want to do the right thing, it is time to mend some fences.

It's called reconciliation and it is more than just a good idea.  

Jesus said it like this:

So if you are presenting a sacrifice at the altar in the Temple and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you, leave your sacrifice there at the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.  Matt 5:23-4

Simple.  In a day when sacrificing at the altar was like going to church, Jesus said, "if someone has something against you . . . go and be reconciled."  In other words, before you go to church - make things right with your friends.  Kind of like, "before you can expect God's mercies, make sure you model God's mercies -  go make peace with people."

Notice it wasn't, "if you have a problem with someone" - it was "if someone has a problem with you."

Which means you aren't off the hook if you don't have any hard feelings.  

The question is: Does anyone have hard feelings toward you?

Look, this politically heavy season has probably had a few casualties that we have left on the battlefield.  If you can think of someone right now, maybe you need to send them a quick note that says, "hey - I hope I wasn't so passionate about what I believe that it hurt our friendship."

Maybe something simple, like "forgive me if I got too into it.  I still want us to be friends."

Maybe just, "forgive me."

Because politics and political figures will come and go but our friends are the ones who will help us get through the next four years when one of these two bozos gets it wrong.  Maybe now is the time to remember that even though you might still not agree, the best thing you can do for your own sanity (and relationship with God) is to offer an apology.

So get on that - because you may not be able to control the election, but you can control your reaction to it.

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